Sunday, November 13, 2011

Where does time go??????

I haven't been here in a long time.  I love my new job and have been working lots of hours.  Still getting my teddy bears ready for show next weekend.  Have been having a wonderful time.  The weather has been amazing, get for motorcycle riding.
I was so glad to have a cold day yesterday 66, I stayed home and worked on bears and watched Christmas movies. What a glorious day.
Just got a chance to stop by some of my favorite blogs and glad to see others getting the Christmas mood.

Last Friday I attended the lovliest wedding.  My daughter's BF Ashley married Daryl and I was so blessed to be included in the day. I LOVE weddings and must cry, it was just beautiful.
I'll be back soon.

lori v

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweet pea! Glad youre enjoying your new job and having fun working on projects. I'm jealous about the weather... though as fall weather goes, ours has been decent. hard to believe the holidays are essentially here.. like its time to get shopping!
    Are we doing a thanksgiving swap? or a christmas swap? I cant remember what we decided!
    let me know..
    have a great week my friend!


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